So many times I have found myself discontent with where I am. Each time I find myself coming back to this question. What am I called to do? I know God has something extraordinary for me, so why can't I seem to get there. The last time I really sought hard after the answer to this question I began reading for myself about leaders in the Bible. I wanted to know how God communicated with them, how they responded and what it looked like when God laid out the plan for their lives.
Since I became a Christ Follower, I have had my very own life motto. "Love God, Serve Others" (based on Matthew 22:37-40.) I strive to live my life by these actions, but as I read through the life of Joseph this time God gave me a new life motto. You know the story of Joseph. God gave him a vision early in life that his brothers would all bow down to him. A trip through a pit, to slavery, and jail surely never seemed like the right path for reaching that goal, however, not only did Joseph's vision come true, he also was used by God to save nations of people from starvation! (The one long sentence version of the story. You can read it for yourself in Genesis 37-50) This time I read the story I couldn't help but see how long it was between the vision and the final outcome, and all the little turns that the story took. All the while, one thing was true at each stage of Joseph's journey...He did the best job he could do where God had him on that day, and that is what got him to the place where God was able to do "immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine" in his life.
God totally called me at that moment to live my life by this new motto. "Do the best job that I can do where God has me today." I can certainly be thankful that I am not in jail to reach the completion of the vision he has placed in my life. :) I simply have to remember that each day I am where God wants me to be and all I am called to do is to do the best that I can on that day. I have stopped focusing on the destination and am enjoying the journey.
What vision has God placed in your life? What do you need to stop doing in order to focus on doing the best job that you can do where God has you today?
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