As we have stepped out in faith to see what the new journey is that God has for us I have come up with an idea for what causes us to fall between getting our hopes up and accomplishing our dreams. I know without a doubt that God was at the heart of this leap of faith we have taken, so I had a certain expectation of what he was going to do. I remember telling my friend Janay, in the beginning, that I expected to be home a couple of weeks. Which would be great to spend some time with the family and give my house a good cleaning. We would then be offered the perfect job and we would not miss a beat financially. She kept her laughing to a minimum and asked me when I was going to come back to reality. It's funny now, but I was just certain God was able to do this. He called us out here (See my first post for the story.) and promised me he had all the details covered. Why wouldn't it be that smooth? At that moment God began to challenge me with "What if I don't meet your expectations? Do you still trust me?"
Not only were we clinging to the promise God made us that he had all the details covered and would "smooth the road ahead of us" (Isaiah 42:16), but we were believing Ephesians 3:20 - God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. And there it is...THE GAP! No, not the store, the place where we lose hope and settle for something other than the dreams God has for our lives. We fall in this trap that God doing "immeasurably more" is the same thing as taking our expectations and making them even better. If I know that I have enough money to make it 3 months before finding a new job, then God doing immeasurably more should mean he does it in 2-3 weeks, right?
Well, if you have been following our story, you know we have been on this journey for almost 4 months now. The money is at the end. I'm not quite sure how it made it this long, to be honest. We are way past my pretty little expectation of what God was going to do, but I am still certain that he can do immeasurably more. It just looks different than I expect. In fact, we came really close to falling in the gap last week. We were interviewing for a job at an AMAZING church. I love the pastor, and would be so excited to be a part of this church. However, God began making it very clear this is not where we were supposed to be. As I stated, we are out of money and really needed to take this job, but what about his promise to smooth the road ahead of us? Do I still trust him? It's been pretty easy to trust him when there is money in the bank, but when we have nothing to rely on but him, what do we do? We TRUST! I honestly believe this is where most people fall in the gap. It doesn't make any sense. People are telling you there is no other way. You doubt what God was doing with you in the first place. You don't say it directly, but you are not longer certain God was leading you. Instead you think maybe it was just me thinking that...
I can't say it is easy to hold tight to hopes, but don't give up! Cling to the promises that God has made to you about your dreams, and one step at a time he will get you where he wants you. Don't fall in the him to keep walking until you get to where he wants you. I can tell you I would not trade the last 3 months for anything. God has taught me so many things I would have missed out on if he had met my expectations. I am so thankful that he is a bridge between hopes and dreams.
Beautiful, Bonnie! Much love to you and your sweet family as you travel this journey. You are certainly a brave woman of God. Let's get together sometime soon - Love, L :o)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely amazing!! You are teaching and leading me and my heart through this blog! God has us on a journey. We have always known it. Started writing a book about it and have wondered why I have not finished it yet? I suppose I have fallen into that gap at this point and have to get out of it to truly move into all I know God has for us and others through us. It is scary but you are such an example and inspiration. I am excited for y'all, especially since I know where your next lace is :) God is so awesome!! Praying many blessings over you in your life! Love this blog.